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Showing posts from February, 2016

Teaching: The Family Business

I teach an introduction to teaching as a career class and last night we had a guest speaker that got a response from one of my students that gave me insight into this future teacher that I did not have in these five weeks of reading her commentaries and spending time creating relationships. It is a simple thing but it took me on my own memory journey. K described herself as a third-generation teacher.  I always told people that teaching is the family business even though not many of my generation of cousins and my siblings are teachers, but I too am a third-generation teacher. If I count my great-grandfather who was a UCC minister as a teacher, then my teaching genealogy goes back to 1900.  I am writing this for no other reason than to acknowledge the teachers in my own family and speak their names. I hope others do the same. 1st generation: Lincoln Benjamin Kaumeheiwa, Kahu, Waiola Church, Lahaina, Maui Ritsuko Okimoto Ah Sing, Teacher, Headmistress, ...

What is Your Favorite Grading Music?

I have essays to grade and I have done everything I could possibly do to procrastinate, including writing this. Earth Wind and Fire popped up in my Spotify, so this is what I am going with but I wonder what other teachers listen to when they have papers to grade. I know I cannot have too many lyrics when I am writing, but for some reason, it is ok when I am grading and giving feedback.  So what do people listen to when they need to have grading sessions?