Summer Olympics 08 is over and there's definitely a hole in our TV line up after 2 weeks of sleeping late and waking up early to watch the Olympics. I'm not really a sports junkie, but I do love the drama, the personal stories and the beauty of exertion, triumph and sorrow. Yes, I'm proud to be an American, but I'm more proud of being a Hawaiian (I mean in location, not in koko).
It seems like Hawaii has its own sports factory. Perhaps it's our year-round sports-playing weather, but I think it's a tribute to these moms and dads who volunteer to coach in all-play programs like AYSO, little league, bobby sox, etc. For a small group of islands with limited access to outside competition, we do really well on all levels - from little league to the Olympics.
Maybe we won't do as well in the 2010 winter Olympics in Whistler, but let's support our athletes, buy the kalua pig tickets, watch the high school and pop warner games, so that when the 2012 Olympics come to London, we can say, "I knew them when. . ." I mua Hawaii.