The metaphor:
Today was a salad with dressing on the side kind of day: healthy dose of affirmation, not too heavy on the sales pitches, not too saturated with bells and whistles, and a little bit of crunch to balance the dish.
The facts:
The highlight session for me was session #1 with Dr. Michael Fullan talking about "Stratosphere: Integrating Technology, Pedagogy, and Change Knowledge."
In short:
The session talked about the ineffective role of technology in change knowledge when it was not paired up with pedagogy.
My takeaways:
- student motivation decreases the older they get (the above graph charts enthusiasm by grade level. At 9th grade, the enthusiasm rate drops to a low of 37)
- teacher satisfaction also decreases - "55% of new teachers leave the profession within the first five years" - Michael Fullan
- the necessary breakthrough to combat the downward trends comes with new knowledge created with the partnering of technology, pedagogy and change knowledge
- the criteria for new learning needs to include the following four things:
- irresistably engaging for student and teachers
- elegant, efficient ease of use
- technologically ubiquitous
- steeped in real life problem solving
- digital saavy is not pedagogy - just because students are fabulous at technology doesn't mean that they are learning
- goals and success criteria:
- does the technology in question enable:
- students to meet the success criteria
- get there faster
- achieve higher levels of learning
- compared to previous similar students not using the particular technology
- practice impressive empathy - empathy for people who get in your way
- disruptive innovation in the early stages is not necessarily better than status quo. May not work in the beginning, but get over the innovation dip, and forge ahead.