Rubio-Cortes, G.(2010). Educators make the case for community engagement. National Civic Review. DOI: 10.1002/ncr2011
What is Sacred:
What I thought I was going to get was an insight in what it takes to make a meaningful school-community bond. I sort of did but it was not anything I can immediately implement and not anything that I didn't already know.
The big ideas:
- Schools are a valuable community resource
- Schools can be more successful if they educate and involve the entire family
- Community dreams can result from school leadership
- Schools play an important role in promoting youth civic engagement and preparing youths for their global role in solving society's challenges
Connections to Current/Future Work:
I think sometimes dots are not really connected. They are just dots. What it does make me think about is the huge school and community project that my colleague, Dr. Stephanie Kamai did when she was a vice principal at Alvah Scott elementary. They created a ceramic peace wall. Hopefully her paper on that story will come out soon.