Kamenetz, A. (2016, Aril 16). Why teachers need to know the wrong answers. Retrieved from
What is Sacred:
First, the picture is freaky. It is from the website and it depicts the flat earth theory, but why legs? Anyway, this is about how in cognitive thinking, if you don't understand why their answer is wrong, or rather their logic is faulty, then you are unable to address the misconceptions in order to then teach them the right answer.
There were also some scary examples of all of our (ok, my) faulty logic misconceptions regarding science. Here is the sacred. In a study they did with teachers,
They found that teacher knowledge of common student misconceptions was weak: They knew 85 percent of the right answers, but only 41 percent of the "right" wrong answers.
And so, what?But, among teachers with stronger knowledge of student weaknesses, their students learned significantly more science, based on a retest at the end of the year.
The first step, says Sadler, is to teach Socratically (there's the Greeks again), by asking questions and having students think out loud. This works much better than lecturing.
"Teachers who find their kids' ideas fascinating are just better teachers than teachers who find the subject matter fascinating,"Connection to Current/Future Work:
It feels like I am just reading to prepare for my classes. Duh! When else do teachers do that. We prepare all year long. I will look for something to pair this up with, maybe a TEDx or something and offer this as one of our online discussions for my practicum course.
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