Author's note: This is just a list poem of things I learned as a 17 year old chasing and trapping pigs that have helped me all these years later.
- Pigs are very similar to humans and their bodies are studied in place of humans because of this. We have deemed this knowledge ethical to humans. Not necessarily ethical to pigs.
- Wild pigs are vegans. I used to be a vegan. It was a lot of work. I used to dream about eggs. Wild pigs will also eat eggs if the opportunity exists, but they won't go out of their way to get it. Pigs are the ultimate locavore and whole foods advocates.
- Wild pigs live the native American concept of "Survivance" by Gerald Vizenor. They exist not just because they are survivors, which they are, but they survive through an active sense of presence and resistance. I have seen wild pig mamas teach their babies how to push through the uluhe ferns, find the maze of lava tubes hidden under the tangle of vines and navigate their natural subway system to get away from the dogs.
- Wild boars and pigs are smart. Definitely smarter than 17 year old me. Most likely smarter than 56 year old me since they still thrive in the same rain forests that I have long since abandoned.
- Wild boars are not as large as domestic pigs. A big man is heavier than a wild boar. Your size does not determine their determination to live in peace. They will protest first by gnashing their tusks to make a distinct "I'm here" sound, in case you have not noticed them. If that does not work, they will charge at you without hesitation or modesty. At a certain point, intentional protest and aggression is necessary.