Source: Jung, J. (2005). Do I belong "in" rhet/comp? Revision, identity and multigenre texts. Studies in writing and rhetoric: Revisionary rhetoric, feminist pedagogy, and multigenre texts (29-55). Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press.
What is Sacred:
Sometimes (most times) I do things a certain way because I know it's right for me and I know what my intentions are, but they are still hidden. Then I read something that has been sitting in my must read folder and the skies open up because someone wrote something that I was thinking. This is one of those. This is a complicated, look up words in the dictionary chapter to a very long titled book, but it was highlight AND take notes worthy, so I am putting it in my highlighted folder in Evernote for now until I figure out where to put it.
This is about the multigenre essay form as a rhetorical strategy to be heard through disruption and juxtaposition. It specifically talks about the metadiscursive commentary and intertextuality as strategies that enable this kind of rhetoric to form a paradox of writing that enables the writer to both listen and to be heard (30).
The idea of metadiscusivity is that the writer continues to question self, viewpoint, perspective with the idea that knowledge is always partial, even contradictory, so (I am making up and trying to make meaning here, I may be way off) we choose our truth and our lens, even if it contradicts with the standard truth and lens -- purposefully. The juxtopositioning, then is a political weapon as a writer.
While the metadiscursive moment reaches toward "another" voice, the intertextuality moment "reaches back, filling in gaps with new and different versions that both work against and support the central text" (31). The way I look at it and I think I wrote this in my dissertation, this is one story, not this is THE story.
There is more. There is so much more.
Connections to Current/Future Work:
This gives me the words to fix my mo'o piece. It makes it more publishable because it hones in on purpose and uses authors that I want to use like Anzaldua.
This gives me a different view into Anzaldua and her own multigenre piece on Borderlands.
This gives me a talking point with my multigenre project for EDUC 410 such that I extracted five pages and inserted start and stop points so that we could practice STOP(stop to orally process) which is a helpful strategy for content area literacy.