In celebration of the October 20, 2009 National Day on Writing, and with the help of NCTE (National Council for Teachers of English), we now have our own local online gallery that is a part of the larger National Gallery. Na Leo o Hawaii, the voices of Hawaii, is for all of us who live on the Big Island. Please help me to get the word out to your colleagues, your students, your kupuna, and please submit your own piece. We are looking for any kind of writing about growing up or living on the Big Island - from eating ice shave at Kawate's, camping at Spencer Beach Park, shoveling snow into your pickup truck from Mauna Kea and making "ice men" in your front yard, or spending New Year's at grandma's house with all the cousins. More information and a flyer will come out when school starts, but the site is up and ready for your own submissions, as well as your family's submissions.
- Go to http://galleryofwriting.org/galleries/88467
- Create a login
- Add personal information and your piece
- If your children or grandchildren are submitting and they are under 13, a parent will need to help them sign up with your email
- The NCTE will send an email back to you with an online permission form
- Once the permission form is submitted, you will get an email back when your child's piece can be submitted (it's a fast process)
Thanks for passing on the word.
If you have other questions, please contact me.
Curator, Na Leo o Hawaii local gallery