For our first summer, we are offering the summer writing institute geared for educators teaching at the pre-13 level. Teachers will study successful classroom strategies for teaching writing, read and discuss research, and improve their knowledge of writing by writing themselves. Most importantly, like all national writing project courses, the strength of the program is in the ability of teachers to teach and learn from each other.
The summer institute is a 3 graduate level course with tuition covered by grants. The course runs for 3 weeks, June 15 - July 2, 2009; 8:30 am - 4 pm in the lush Hamakua coast community of Honoka'a. The location is ideally centered on the big island. Scholarship and travel stipends are available, and if you are traveling to our island and are in need of accomodations assistance, please contact us.
For more information and for an application, or a copy of the summer flyer to pass along, please email me (cathyi@hawaii.edu) or call (808)982-0464.